Monday, October 22, 2018

Science Fiction Poetry Association

I have some stupendous news!  The Science Fiction Poetry Association has accepted one of my poems for upcoming publication in Star*Line.

It is quite an honor to be noticed by a publication that also nominates for the Pushcart Prize.

About SFPA:
In January 1978, Suzette Haden Elgin founded the Science Fiction Poetry Association, along with its two visible cornerposts: the Rhysling Awards and the association's newsletter, Star*Line. Star*Line has become not only an SFPA forum and networking tool, but a literary magazine for poets of the genre persuasion: imaginative poetry from hard science fiction to high fantasy, from the macabre to straight science, and from rigid formalism to experimental and surrealist works.

I particularly appreciated being noticed by editor Vince Gotera.  His considerable accomplishments include:
Vince Gotera is the editor of Star*Line as of issue 40.4. He is a Professor of English at the University of Northern Iowa, where he served as Editor of the North American Review. His poetry collections include Dragonfly, Ghost Wars, Fighting Kite, and the upcoming Pacific Crossing. Recent poems appear in Abyss & Apex, Altered Reality Magazine, Dreams & Nightmares, The Ekphrastic Review, Parody Poetry Journal, Silver Birch Press, Silver Blade, and Spirit's Tincture. He won the 2017 Veterans' Writing Prize from Stone Canoe journal and his art was featured recently on the cover of Killjoy Literary Magazine.

I'll post more when the issue is out.

~Mick, S.D.G.